Poison Prevention

This week is Poison Prevention Week. It is a perfect time to re-evaluate our homes to make sure they are a safe place for our children. Children are curious by nature. The world is new and amazing to them. They want to see, touch, and taste everything! With their budding curiosity it is important that parents keep the hazardous items out of their reach.

prescription pills

Here are a few things to review in your house to make sure it is not an accident waiting to happen:

  • Make sure all your medicine has child safety caps
  • Keep all your medicine (prescription and non-prescription) in high cabinets or cabinets that lock
  • Never buy poisonous plants to keep in the house, they are too tempting
  • If your house was built before 1979 make sure it has been tested for lead
  • All cleaning products should be safely locked away
  • Even if the cleaning products are in a locked cabinet, you should turn the spray function to ‘Off’
  • Have a carbon monoxide detector located on each of the floors in your house
  • Keep all pocketbooks out of sight. There are lots of items such as pills, lotions, antibacterial cleaners founds in pocketbooks.
  • Post the poison control number on the fridge and in your wallet: 1-800-222-1222
  • It is always important to remind children that they do not put anything in their mouths, unless it is food specifically given to them, without asking an adult.

Keep everyone safe with these tips!



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