Driving While Drowsy? Think Again.
Sleep is essential, we all know this. March 14-20th is Sleep Awareness Week, so we can reflect on how important sleep is to our health and safety. Not only does sleep leave you in a better mood, but a good nights sleep can prevent accidents and keep you safe. Taking to the road while deprived of sleep can be detrimental.
How can we prevent drowsy driving accidents?
- Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
- If you have been up for 24 hrs, do not drive
- Take a break every 2 hrs of driving or every 100 miles
- Open the windows and get fresh air…the colder the better!
- Drink a caffeinated beverage
- Have a passenger with you while driving. Have them talk to you and keep you alert.
- Avoid alcohol as it can make you even more drowsy (and it is against the law to drink and drive!)
- Avoid medications that cause drowsiness
If none of these tips work, just pull off the road and take a quick nap or stay somewhere for the night and continue the drive on a good nights rest. During Sleep Awareness Week make a plan to put sleep as a priority now and everyday this year. Here are some tips how technology can help you to get a better night sleep: tech sleep. Happy sleeping!!!