Does My Child Need Auto Insurance to Take a Drivers Test? And Other Answers About New Drivers

We receive many calls throughout the week asking when do I need to add my child to my insurance policy?  Are they covered right away?  A child is automatically covered for their driving test on their parent’s policy.  Parents have 60 days to call their insurance agent to add the child to the policy, the sooner the better.  To add a child to an auto policy all that is needed is the child’s license number and date of birth.

Another great question we get about listing children on a parent’s policy is concerning divorced parents.   If my husband has our son on his policy, do I have to list him on my policy?  Quick answer is yes, but he will be deferred.  Deferred means that the child has coverage elsewhere, specifically on the father’s policy.  Depending on the insurance carrier you could still see a premium increase even if the child is deferred.  Since the child has opportunity to drive vehicles at both the father and mother’s house, the premium will reflect that.

Should you have your child open their own auto insurance policy or should they stay on your policy?  It depends.  If you/your child (whoever is paying) want to save money put them on your auto policy.  Adults usually qualify for more discounts than children.  Adults usually have a home owners discount along with multi car discount and AAA.  If you want your child to have independence earlier or your child is older when first getting their license and they are financially independent, then they can get their own auto policy.

If you have any further questions about adding a child/new driver to an auto policy please call us



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