Low Plate Lotto!

Calling all license plate aficionados…the low plate lottery has begun! There are 198 special low numbers up for grabs this year. If you are interested in one of these license plates you should visit the Registry of Motor Vehicles website and fill out the form. The form used to be mailed, but now its an online submission by September 2, 2022 at 5pm.


MA license plate

When you enter the lottery you may not choose a specific license plate, you are entered for all available plates. Make sure your license and registration are active and up to date. Check to see if you have any outstanding tickets, excise taxes, child support or E-Z Pass violations because if you do you are not eligible. To ensure no errors on your application, have your registration in front of you. You will be notified by September 15 via email if you submit your address or by checking the Registry’s website.

Good luck to all who enter! Let us know if you get one!!



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