Driving While Drowsy? Not a Good Combination

The beginning of November is Drowsy Driving Prevention Week.  It is important to give attention to this hazard on the road, as many people every day get on the road that are too tired to drive. Sixty percent of drivers surveyed in the Sleep in America poll have admitted to driving while drowsy. And a staggering fact is that 37% have actually fallen asleep at the wheel!  As it is easy for police to detect when alcohol is a factor in a crash, it is much more difficult to conclude that drowsiness was a leading or contributing factor in a crash. The estimates from The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conclude that driving while drowsy has caused 100,000 car accidents, 71,000 injuries and 1,550 fatalities this year alone. Statistics also show that more men than women drive while too sleepy to drive, 56% vs 45%.


How can we prevent drowsy driving accidents?

  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
  • If you have been up for 24 hrs, do not drive
  • Take a break every 2 hrs of driving or every 100 miles
  • Open the windows and get fresh air…the colder the better!
  • Drink a caffeinated beverage
  • Have a passenger with you while driving. Have them talk to you and keep you alert.
  • Avoid alcohol as it can make you even more drowsy (and it is against the law to drink and drive!)
  • Avoid medications that cause drowsiness
  • If none of these tips work, just pull off the road and take a quick nap or stay somewhere for the night and continue the drive on a good nights rest.
  • If you are prone to getting sleepy while driving have someone else drive on longer trips and at night when falling asleep is more likely.

Protect yourself and the ones you love by not driving while drowsy, share with friends and family and on social media with #AlertAtTheWheel.

Keeping Teens Safe While Driving

There is a reason teens have higher insurance premiums than other adults, they are inexperienced drivers. Inexperience often leads to more accidents. The number one killer of teens is motor vehicle accidents. Only with experience is a driver more educated on how a car handles, what to do in an emergency and how to drive in many different weather conditions.

For parents of new drivers there are things you can do to make the learning experience safer:

  • Be a good example. Your children watch you. If you text and drive they will think it is safe to do so.
  • Let them know it is against the law to text and drive. Do not ever do it. And do not get into a car with a driver that does.
  • Set up an agreement about safety in the car. This website has a great program: Countdown2Drive
  • Make sure they use their seatbelts at all times! Twenty-five percent of teens do not use a seatbelt every time they get in a car.
  • Even though talking on the phone is legal while driving, make sure all calls are made when the vehicle is stopped. A study found that it is 8x more likely for a teen to get into an accident or near accident if they are trying to dial a phone.
  • In addition to Drivers Education, a skid school is a great place to learn. In Control is a local crash prevention school.  Insurance discounts are given with some carriers.

Learning to drive is a joint effort with parents and their teens, make it a safe experience. If teens know that their safe driving will result in lower insurance premiums it will motivate them to keep these guidelines in mind. Call us with any questions on your teen’s insurance.

* Statistics are from Safe Kids Worldwide (image at right)

Car Insurance Terms Explained

Insurance can be confusing with all of its industry lingo.  Here are some of the most common terms and their explanations:

car accident

Bodily Injury to Others:  This is coverage that pays if you are found liable for the injury or death of others in an accident.  We recommend 100/300 for limits.  This means that you have up to $100,000 in coverage for Bodily Injury that you cause per person, $300,000 per accident.  In the litigious society in which we live it is always smart to have protection from lawsuits.  Which is why many opt for 250/500 coverage and these limits are often required when you have a personal umbrella policy.

Personal Injury Protection or PIP: Is a mandatory coverage that pays for medical expenses and lost wages of the insured person and people in the vehicle.  PIP is a “no-fault” coverage which means it is paid out regardless of who is at fault in the accident.  The benefit of this is that you can get paid for medical expenses before it is determined who caused the accident, which could take a while.  You usually use your own limits and submit a claim to your insurance company, but there are always exceptions.

Damage to Someone Else’s Property:  This coverage protects you if you are found liable for property damage in an accident.  So if you are found at fault in an accident and you damage another person’s car and/or a utility pole this insurance will cover the cost of those things.  It states on the insurance forms that $5,000 is the minimum required limit, so why would you choose a higher limit?  Answer is simple, the cost of things damaged will almost always well exceed a $5,000 limit.  We recommend a limit of $100,000 or $250,ooo for this insurance coverage. The cost to increase this limit is not all that much, most of the cost lies in the minimum $5,000.

Collision: Collision is an optional coverage that pays, minus the deductible, to repair or replace your car if it is damaged in an accident.  If you have a lease you are required to have this coverage.  Choose your deductible by the cost of your car to repair and your ability to pay out of pocket expenses.  Most common deductibles are $500 and $1,000.  The higher the deductible, the more you can save on your premium.

Comprehensive:  This is also an optional coverage.  It will pay for damage done to your car not from a collision, minus the deductible.  Examples of acts covered by comprehensive are: theft, vandalism, natural disasters (hurricanes, storms, etc.), hitting an animal, fire, or falling objects.

Uninsured/Under Insured: This type of coverage pays if the other driver has no liability coverage or does not have sufficient liability coverage, respectively. We have an extensive explanation of how this coverage works: https://www.mancuso-nowak.com/2016/01/11/uninsured-and-underinsured-auto-coverage/

Hope we have clarified some insurance lingo for you.  Always if you have any questions please call us and we can help explain!

Ride Sharing and Auto Insurance

If you are like many Americans you are looking for an easy way to make a few extra dollars.  Insert: ride sharing!  What is ride sharing?  It is a taxi type service that connects drivers and riders through a smartphone app.  Ride sharing vehicles use their own car to pick up people and drive them to a destination.  The most popular ride sharing companies are Uber and Lyft.  Ride sharing is different from livery and taxi services because both of these types of transportation services have commercial license plates and commercial auto insurance.

Personal auto policies typically exclude livery services from coverage.  A personal auto policy assumes you only drive family and friends, do not collect a fee and usually drive around 12,000 miles a year.  A personal auto policy stops coverage from the moment the driver logs on to the ride sharing app to the moment he/she logs off.  There is a significant uptick in drivers wanting to earn extra money by working for Uber or Lyft.  The insurance industry has consequently responded with options.  There are currently 2 options: an endorsement on your personal auto policy or a commercial auto policy.

At Mancuso-Nowak we have been placing our customers with carriers that offer the ride sharing endorsement to their personal auto policy.  The ride sharing endorsement is called Transportation Network Company (TNC) Endorsement.  The TNC Endorsement provides coverage from when the policyholder turns on their ride sharing app until the time they accept a fare.  This endorsement fills that gap in coverage that exists with a non-endorsed policy that excludes livery services.

The other option for insureds is a commercial livery policy.  A commercial auto policy will carry higher liability limits.  It will also be underwritten to take into consideration that the driver is taking passengers for pay and will be traveling more than a personal passenger driver.

Both Uber and Lyft offer auto insurance coverage, but the coverage is very minimal.  If you are a ride share driver it is in your best interest to get your own coverage.  So if you are going to get your side hustle on as an Uber driver, please contact us so we can make sure you have the proper insurance coverage!

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. We all try to multi-task, especially while driving…one of the worst places to do it! On your way home from work, rushing to think of dinner plans, you decide ordering take-out is easiest. While driving you are searching your phone for the number or asking Siri to find it for you, not fully paying attention to the road. A car stops short in front of you and you end up rear-ending them. If you are lucky everyone is ok. However, this is still an at fault accident that will give you a surcharge on your car insurance, just because you were trying to multi-task. Don’t. One call/text while driving could ruin everything . The statistics are there – you are 4x more likely to get in a car crash while using a cell phone or hand held device.

Don’t assume that since you have a hands-free device it is risk free:

  • Hands-free features in dashboards actually increase mental distraction
  • Using voice-to-text can be more distracting than typing texts while driving
  • Drivers who text with their hands or voice (using speech-to-text systems) keep their eyes on the road less often and have reaction times twice as slow

The truth is using your cell phone in any form, is making you a distracted driver. Please don’t make a statistic out of yourself and take the focused driver challenge. There are many ways we can be distracted while driving, but using a cell phone is the number one distraction. So if you try to limit your phone use to while you are stopped or when you get to your destination, you will be a lot safer and so will the other people on the road.

* statistics from The National Safety Council

When Gap Insurance is a Good Idea

First of all what is Gap Insurance?  Gap Insurance stands for Guaranteed Auto Protection and is an optional auto insurance coverage.  This coverage helps pay off your loan if your car is totaled and you owe more than the value of the car.  Totaled cars are typically paid out at Actual Cash Value (ACV).  Actual Cash Value is replacement cost minus depreciation.  As you know your new car loses value as soon as you drive it off the lot.  In the first year a car usually depreciated 20 percent.

You get in an accident and your car is totaled.  If you own your car, the check for your totaled car will be sent to you.  If you lease the car, the check is sent to the leasing company.  So what if the amount of your loan is more than the check to the leasing company?  You still need to pay the fiance company for the balance.  Paying for a totaled car is not what you want to be doing!  The solution is to buy Gap Insurance.  Gap Insurance pays the difference between the amount of your loan and the ACV of your car.

Gap Insurance is a smart addition to your auto policy if:

  • Your car is new
  • You leased your vehicle
  • Financed for 60 months or longer
  • You put less than 20% down on the lease

Keep in mind that you will still need to pay your deductible if your car is totaled and you have Gap Insurance.  If you have any questions about Gap Insurance please call us!  www.mancuso-nowak.com 

Substitute Transportation Coverage – Why You Need It

It is easy to say no to additional auto coverage when you are signing up for a policy.  Who doesn’t want to save money?  But at what cost?  If you get in an accident you will be relieved that you have rental car reimbursement/substitute transportation coverage.  You will not be left without a car when you need to get to work.  It is peace of mind to know your insurance will reimburse you or will directly bill the insurance company the rental car cost.  The limit of coverage for a rental car is selected by you when you add the coverage to your policy.  We recommend at least $30/day for this coverage. 

It is important to know that with most companies you need to have collision and comprehensive coverage in order to have substitute transportation coverage.  Also, if you have AAA your rental car reimbursement amount is bumped up to the next tier automatically.  This means you get more money for a rental car.  Substitute transportation coverage is helpful in various scenarios when your vehicle needs to be repaired: if you are at fault in an accident or if you are in an accident that the other driver caused and they don’t have enough insurance.

All too often we hear our clients disappointed that they didn’t add substitute transportation coverage to their policy.  It is not an expensive line item on a policy and is worth it in the end.  If you have any questions about rental car coverage, please call us www.mancuso-nowak.com.

The Right of Way and Insurance Fraud

There are numerous accounts of insurance fraud, but usually the insurance company suffers.  Recently there have been some incidents of individuals committing insurance fraud and both the other driver and the insurance company have to pay for it.  Please watch out for drivers that may not have the best of intentions.

Let’s preface this example with a rule of the road: if you have the right of way on the road, follow that rule, do not let others go in front of you. Rule also is true for the opposite, don’t go if someone who has the right of way is letting you go. Some drivers who have the right of way have been letting others go in front of them, only to hit them on purpose. This allows them to total their car and have the other driver at fault.  With this type of insurance fraud both the driver has to pay for having an at fault accident on their driving record and therefore, increasing their auto premium and the insurance company has to pay out on this loss that was done on purpose.  Everyone loses.

Following the rules of the road will help prevent this type of insurance fraud.  Be smart, know the rules and know that not everyone has the same good intentions you do while driving.  Stay smart and stay safe!

Tips for Hosting a Safe and Successful Holiday Party

Are you expecting lots of guests at your holiday party? Navigating a crowded home can be difficult and sometimes not safe if you are not organized about it. Maintaining a clean, welcoming, fun, and festive residence can allow for everyone to enjoy a party without worry.

If you feel overwhelmed by the expectations of family and friends, don’t let this bring you down. Instead, have confidence in your hosting abilities. As you prepare to have those you love into your place of comfort, it is important to keep safety in mind. The last thing you need is for someone to get hurt during a time of celebration. Here are some tips to be a great host for your guests:

•Celebrations are supposed to be all about fun, not stress. One person can’t do everything alone.

•Ask guests if they have any serious food allergies before purchasing the food. This way, you can avoid serious medical issues.

•Don’t hesitate to ask for help with cleaning, food prep, cooking, etc. This way, you won’t be totally exhausted before the party even begins!

•Prepare beforehand if children are coming to your home. Put away all dangerous and leave around kid friendly activities to keep them occupied as the adults mingle.

•Just because it is a holiday party doesn’t mean you have to offer alcohol. Provide a variety of drinks, such as soda, sparkling water, and juice.

•Be prepared for potential disasters to occur. Remove slipping and falling hazards and don’t leave anything out that could cause an accident.  With snowy and icy conditions in the winter make sure all paths and driveways are cleared and salted.

At Mancuso-Nowak Insurance Agency, we hope these tips help you make you and your guests feel right at home this holiday season. Of course you want your celebration to go without any problems, but sometimes these are unpredictable. Right now is a perfect time to review your liability coverage on your homeowners policy, call us to go over any questions.  If you do not have an Umbrella policy you should seriously consider this extra layer of liability coverage.  It is an inexpensive way to provide coverage in case of a large liability loss.  We care about providing comprehensive coverage that won’t let you down. Let one of our professional agents work closely with you to find reliable products that give you peace of mind today.  Happy Holidays!

The Massachusetts RMV and the New Real ID

There have been some changes in Massachusetts regarding the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) system and the implementation of Real IDs.  As with any change, there is an adjustment period.  The longer wait times at the RMV have been the biggest complaint since their new ATLAS system went online in March.  Some of these wait time issues are from the new requirements for the Real IDs.

Real IDs are federal identification cards that will allow you to fly domestically and enter into federal buildings by 2020.  Real IDs will take the place of your MA state drivers license.  After October 1, 2020 you will need a Real ID or a passport to fly within the United States.  See picture below to view the difference between the current MA drivers licences and the new Real ID.  There are more requirements to obtain a Real ID than to get a standard MA drivers license.  In order to be issued a Real ID you will need to provide the RMV with proof of the following:

  • US citizenship or lawful presence
  • Social security number
  • Massachusetts residency

If you need additional information on what is acceptable documentation for the above 3 items, please refer to the Massachusetts RMV website: https://www.mass.gov/guides/massachusetts-identification-id-requirements.

The biggest problem the RMV is finding when people are applying for a Real ID is the valid proof of Social Security numbers.  People are bringing laminated SS card to the RMV.  It is illegal to laminate your SS card.  If you have already laminated your SS card you may request a copy from the Social Security Administration.  To do this go to the SSA’s website and request a copy, you should have it within a week or so.

The other issue causing the longer than usual wait times is the RMV’s ATLAS system has had a few glitches since its implementation.  The good news is that with the ATLAS system glitches are fixed much quicker than their old computer system.  The new ATLAS system is very adaptable.  If there are problems with the computer system the fix usually done within the day.  With the old system, changes would require the IT department and 3 months of repair time.

The RMV is working on improving all aspects of their new computer system and the roll out of the Real IDs.  We can help make our trips to the RMV a little more pleasant by preparing with the correct documentation….and maybe a little patience : )